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My writings

A thousand lights

In the dark empty space, the endless mirrors were reflecting their silver and white facades on the walls. The light blue lamps were attached to the ceiling and each had some message written on it. The sea of blue lamps cast a soft glow of halo around the room, and the luminous globes were like a thousand lights.

The black of the walls stroke a deep contrast against the thousand blue lights, who were like watering crystals weeping their tears of joy.


As she entered the room, she felt a sense of coldness that shook her every bone to the core. It was a strange kind of coldness, like winter had come and taken away everything that was warm and humid. It left her feeling dry, frozen and shaken. The wind was strong and blowing against the softness of the orange maple leaves. October was coming to an end and November was just around the corner. November, autumn and more dark and orange leaves were what occupied her mind at the moment. She had not seen the lights before noon, as she was on a northern land where the sun barely came out during the day. The sunlight cast a golden glow to her face, with the shadows of a few strands of her hair breaking the pale perfect porcelain of her skin. Her skin was so white like ceramics that most people wouldn’t even dare touch her face. The lips were small and thin and drew a fragile line at the bottom of her nose.


The cold November wind was harsh on her lips, small cracks began to appear on its borders.


She was not deaf but the strength of the wind caused her to miss out on the sound of the bell of the church in the distant far land.


Slowly and softly, she began making her way to the north. Her steps were slow and steady, and she hesitated to make sounds with her footsteps, as if the sounds could awaken someone nearby.


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